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The Team

Who We Are


Dr. Rajrupa Sinha Roy

Faculty Convenor

The Moot Court Society of Xavier Law School aims to equip the law students with practical knowledge, technical expertise, and the platform to excel in the legal profession. The Moot Court Society facilitates the young minds of Xavier Law School, with an environment where they can enhance their advocacy skills, legal research and writing skills. 

Mooting also teaches the students to work closely with each other, which is a valuable learning experience for lifetime and it enhances the ability to learn from their peers. I know that sometimes Mooting can be stressful but for the students it can truly be intellectually rewarding once they master the essential skills. And the Moot Court Society of Xavier Law School is committed to assist the students in every step of the way. 

A group of fifteen thoughtful and committed Student Core Committee are the Pillars of this Society, who are working day and night to make the dreams of hundreds of our students come true. Being the Convener of the Moot Court Society I proudly say that each member of the Core Committee is committed to furnish their best efforts for the future of the Moot Court Society and for the Xavier Law School.

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