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Jul 21, 2024

3 min read




Intra-XLS Memorial Drafting Competition 2022

Sculpture'22 Sculpture 2022

The Xavier Law School Moot court society hosted its maiden intra-memorial drafting competition named ‘Sculpture.’ Memorial Drafting is not just a mundane documentation process, it is an art and not only an art but also a crucial aspect of science is attached to it. Much like sculpting, memorial drafting also involves an intricate skill of carving out the perfect arguments in order to win your case. Thus, the name Sculpture, a platform were the science and art of drafting can be celebrated. The importance of memorial drafting cannot be understated in the lives of law students. Researching, drafting and writing all form part of a quiver of skills which become absolutely essential for a law student to succeed. The object of Sculpture’ 22 was to give a mere taste of legal drafting to all our participants.

This event focused on helping the budding lawyers of our esteemed law school to polish up their drafting skills. Documentation of arguments is a very crucial and integral part of any lawyer. The research and the brainstorming behind the perfection of each statement is of utmost importance. An overwhelming response of 125 teams was received across 4 semesters. Many orientations and workshops were also held by the core committee members of the Moot court society in order to help the students to form and draft a proper memorial and to resolve all their ambiguities. The workshops were also a very big success as the students felt very satisfied from having all their doubts about the drafting of the memorials solved as a result of which they got a clearer perspective with respect to understanding the case and the drafting process.

The memorials were scrutinized by some of the esteemed members of the Xavier Law School. The esteemed judges Dr. Anuradha Roy Chowdhury, Dr. Asif Iqbal Shah, Dr. Prashna Samaddar, Dr. Rajdip Bhadra Chowdhury and Professor Souvik Mukherjee analyzed and assessed the memorials and also guided and mentored the participants regarding the process of drafting a memorial and case analysis.  

Sculpture'22 audience
Adv. Shrayashee Das with Dean of Xavier Law School

The Closing ceremony of the Intra Memorial Drafting Competition was held on 21st October 2022 and it was graced by the presence of Adv. Shrayashee Das. She is the Principal Legal Associate at Sinha & Co. Advocates.  She gave a very heartwarming welcome speech as well as inspired many of the law students of Xavier Law School. She also included many pointers on how to inculcate the articulating of an argument and hone it to perfection. The very importance of drafting, mooting and researching was expressly emphasized by her. She through her speech also inculcated that how all of these skills can make are break the strong base of legal profession.

The Closing ceremony of the ‘Sculpture’ intra-memorial drafting competition was held in the Amphitheatre of Xavier Law School. During the closing ceremony, the first core committee of the Moot Court Society also had the opportunity to reveal the official logo of the society which formed a part of the legacy of the Moot Court society of Xavier Law School. The moto is ‘Audi Alteram Partem’ which meant ‘let the other side be truly heard’ which truly emphasizes the essence and spirit of a Moot Court Society. With respect to the very first event of Moot Court Society, Xavier Law School, Sculpture’ 22 was a big success and did receive huge appreciation as a beginning step.  The top 10 teams announced were called on stage and given their due appreciation. The top 3 teams were awarded exemplary prizes including a book which has been written by the Honorable Vice Chancellor of St. Xavier’s University Kolkata, Rev. Dr. J Felix Raj. The best team was also provided with an internship opportunity at Sinha & Co. Advocates which was requested in good faith on behalf of the entire Xavier Law School for the better future possibilities of the budding lawyers and to bridge the two institutions together. The closing ceremony was a grand success which was marked by a huge response from the Law School students.

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